Pondering Excellence in Teaching
Pondering Excellence in Teaching(अध्यापन में उत्कृष्ट चिन्तन )
इस पोस्ट में वर्णन किया गया है कि अध्ययन में उत्कृष्ट चिन्तन में पहचान के क्षेत्र में सार निकालना और विद्यार्थियों का चिन्तन शामिल है। शोध में इस प्रकार का निष्कर्ष निकला है कि ऐसा अध्ययन विद्यार्थियों में उद्देश्य केन्द्रित कार्य और कक्षा विचारविमर्श के लिए अभ्यास द्वारा सम्भव हुआ है। विद्यार्थियों के पूर्ण कक्षा निर्देशन को सार्वजनिक बनाने को कम समझा गया है।इस बातचीत केन्द्रित में विद्यार्थियों का योगदान और पहचानना जो निर्देशन को बढ़ाने का उत्तरदायित्व उपलब्ध कराता है। लेखक द्वारा सैद्धान्तिक विचारविमर्श का निर्माण किया जाएगा। हमने सैकण्डरी स्कूल गणित निर्देशन का वीडियो का विस्तृत अनुभव से विकसित किया।
(1.)Recognizing Teachable Moments
An Important Component of Excellent TeachingParking is free! Closest parking lots are the Treasures.
The field of education recognizes that excellent teaching involves eliciting and using student thinking. Researchers have made progress on understanding aspects of such teaching, such as the role of high-cognitive-demand tasks and practices for orchestrating classroom discussion around students' written work. Less understood is the in-the-moment process of productively using student thinking that is made public during whole-class instruction. This talk focuses on these in-the-moment student contributions and recognizing which of them provide opportune moments to enhance instruction. Specifically, I will discuss theoretical constructs we have developed from detailed empirical analysis of videos of secondary school mathematics instruction. I will also share insights from this work for both recognizing and preparing to act on student contributions that provide opportunities for students to make sense of mathematics through engaging with their peers' mathematical thinking.
(2.)Empirical of a Professor
A Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University. She focuses specifically on the process of becoming an effective mathematics teacher and ways university coursework and professional development can accelerate that process. Her research and teacher development practice are intertwined and have included investigating the effect of reform curriculum materials on teacher development, the use of practice-based materials in university methods courses, and the cultivation of productive norms in teacher education. Her current work focuses on identifying Mathematical Opportunities in Student Thinking (MOSTs) and supporting teachers in capitalizing on MOSTs.
pondering-चिन्तन करना , parking-अड्डा ,Treasures-कोषाध्यक्ष , eliciting-सार निकालना,orchestrating-योजना बनाना , opportune-उपयुक्त, enhance-ज्यादा करना , opportunities-अवसर,engaging-दिलचस्प , peer-शिष्टजन , interwined- अंतर्ग्रथित ,capitalizing-पूंजी बनाना empirical-इंद्रियानुभव
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Dr. Arthur Jorgensen Chair Award
(MCATA Student Teacher Award)
pondering-चिन्तन करना , parking-अड्डा ,Treasures-कोषाध्यक्ष , eliciting-सार निकालना,orchestrating-योजना बनाना , opportune-उपयुक्त, enhance-ज्यादा करना , opportunities-अवसर,engaging-दिलचस्प , peer-शिष्टजन , interwined- अंतर्ग्रथित ,capitalizing-पूंजी बनाना empirical-इंद्रियानुभव
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This is a award council who is interested apply upto 30,april 2019.
Dr. Arthur Jorgensen AwardDr. Arthur Jorgensen Chair Award
(MCATA Student Teacher Award)
This award is presented by the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association (MCATA), to encourage students enrolled in education programs in post-secondary institutions throughout Alberta to pursue and commit to mathematics education.
The award consists of
a one-year term on the MCATA Executive, with expenses paid to attend Executive meetings (as per article 3.4 of the MCATA handbook).
a one -year membership in MCATA and NCTM
an invitation to attend one MCATA Conference with appropriate expenses paid, subject to the approval of the executive committee. (eg . substitute teacher, one night accommodation, travel and meals not included in the conference registration)
a one -year membership in MCATA and NCTM
an invitation to attend one MCATA Conference with appropriate expenses paid, subject to the approval of the executive committee. (eg . substitute teacher, one night accommodation, travel and meals not included in the conference registration)
The recipient of this award must be enrolled in a degree program in a Faculty of Education in Alberta. The recipient will be selected on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence and a clear commitment to mathematics education in either specialization in Mathematics at the secondary level; or a keen interest and desire to expand mathematics knowledge at the elementary level.
Applicants must apply by April 30 of the current year to: Dr. Arthur Jorgensen Chair Award c/o Director of Awards and Grants (carmenbt@telus.net ).
Applicants must submit a letter of reference from a faculty member in their school of education .
Applicants must complete MCATA application form and address each of the questions or statements found on the application form.
A selection committee of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association will make the final choice of recipient for this award.
Applicants must submit a letter of reference from a faculty member in their school of education .
Applicants must complete MCATA application form and address each of the questions or statements found on the application form.
A selection committee of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association will make the final choice of recipient for this award.
Dr. Arthur Jorgensen Chair Award Recipients
2018 Dale Block
2015 Matthew McDonald
2012 Bernadette McMechan
2011 Paul Bechtold
2015 Matthew McDonald
2012 Bernadette McMechan
2011 Paul Bechtold